Pallak Heritage Resort
Kottakkal, Kerala
Our Team
Safder, Siyad, Shabeeb, Safwan
Prasanth Mohan
The word Pallak in Malayalam means Palanquin, a covered litter carried by an even number of bearers. Uru Consulting's journey with their project “Pallak” started where the youngest son of a family in Kottakkal, Kerala, received a plot spanning two acres along with the ancestral house in his name after partition. As he approached Team Uru, the client’s lack of interest in living in a 12000 square feet house of antiquity was inter-twined with the nuclear family’s perception of an urban lifestyle. Nevertheless, he did not want to let go of the property.
Uru Consulting's journey with their project “Pallak” started where the youngest son of a family in Kottakkal, Kerala, received a plot spanning two acres along with the ancestral house in his name after partition.


The conundrum was to be solved by a wonderful idea: Considering the value of medical tourism in Kottakkal, a place renowned for its Ayurvedic heritage, transform the property into an Ayurvedic resort. Thus, with a stringent budget, the project was to be materialized in two phases: 1 acre for each phase.